[This article belongs to Volume - 49, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-16-10-2021-5

Title : Civil Aviation Passenger Mobility Model Based on the Potential Trip Purpose
Peng J, You M, Huang F, Tong B,

Abstract :

Human mobility has regularity.It has theoretical significance and realistic needs to build mobility models of human movement.Previous models were usually based on the assumption that human mobility is scalable and did not take into account the times of trips and influence of infrastructure network.To address these problems,by analyzing passengers' traveling data sets of civil aviation,the following characteristics of passengers' traveling were found:the trip distances of passengers are not scale-free,the trip number of times is anisotropic,and passengers' movements have different trends along with different numbers of trip times.In order to describe the characteristics of passengers' travelling data,a passenger mobility model based on potential trip purpose (PMMPTP) was proposed.Firstly,the model considered that passengers' travel has relationship with the economic factors of destination cities,and a method for calculating the selection probability of a city was proposed.Secondly,the exploration and return mechanism of passengers' travelling was taken into account.Then,a method for calculating the probability that passengers explore new airports and return to the historic airports was proposed.The simulation experiments firstly simulated the travel characteristics of civil aviation using PMMPTP model and then tested the validity of the model by predicting the throughput of airport and airline.The results showed that the model can fit the actual data of civil aviation travel,and effectively solve the problem of modeling low frequency passenger's trips.