[This article belongs to Volume - 52, Issue - 02]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-16-10-2021-37

Title : Effect of Recycled Coarse Aggregate Suction and Drainage on Drying Shrinkage of Concrete
CUI Zhenglong, ZHANG Han,

Abstract :

The experiment focused on the absorption and drainage characteristics of recycled coarse aggregate. The recycled coarse aggregate bonded with strain gauges was embedded in C30 strength grade concrete, and the shrinkage strain of recycled coarse aggregate in concrete during drying shrinkage was measured directly. Based on the relationship between the strain and drainage rate of recycled coarse aggregate under different humidity conditions, the drainage characteristics of recycled coarse aggregate in concrete were calculated, and the relationship between the drainage rate of recycled coarse aggregate and the drainage rate of recycled coarse aggregate was established. The results showed that the trend line of strain and saturation curve of regenerated coarse aggregate was relatively close to that of natural coarse aggregate in the process of draining and drainage, and the strain variation caused by dry and wet of the two kinds of aggregate had a reversible trend. There was a linear relationship between the strain and the drainage rate of recycled coarse aggregate and natural aggregate. The shrinkage strain of coarse aggregate in concrete was smaller than that of specimen, and the shrinkage strains of recycled coarse aggregate and recycled concrete were larger than that of natural aggregate and concrete. The drainage rate of recycled concrete was higher than that of internal recycled coarse aggregate.