[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 06]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-28-07-2022-254

Title : Reclassification of the Egyptian Housing In accordance with income segments in the Egyptian Society
Tarek Abdel Latif AboulAtta, Mennat Allah Hassan Khafage,

Abstract : For long decades, developed countries have been resolving the problem of the relationship between supply and demand, by identifying individuals’ needs in the housing market, In which economic and social indicators were studied, to know the purchasing capabilities of individuals, including the division of income groups in society into segments, from which the type of demand is determined and its supply in the housing market. But in the Egyptian housing market, which has not changed the rental law for more than sixty years, resulting in the trend of individuals to own, so the shape of supply in the Egyptian market changed in accordance with their economic capabilities, because of the lack of identification of income segments, to know the form of housing supply, where income is one of the most important factors to determine the ability to spend on housing. Therefore, this research paper aims to study Egyptian society, income segments for individuals, including determining the percentage of income, and its relationship to the acquisition of housing, by studying some experiments, which used the principle of "determining the ratio of income", analyzing and comparing them, and applying the results of the study to income segments in Egyptian society, to benefit from this research.