[This article belongs to Volume - 55, Issue - 07]
Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-23-07-2023-596

Title : Urban Transformations in Riverfronts (An Analytical Study of Land-use Changes in Nile Front Settelments in Egypt).
Mina Magdy Kamel, Mohie Edeen Shalaby,

Abstract : The Nile River is regarded as one of Egypt's most important national assets, with over 800 urban settlements located along its banks. However, urban transformations and changes in riverfront land use in these settlements are occurring rapidly and in different forms. The riverfronts have not received sufficient study and analysis of the dynamics of their land-use changes, despite being the focus of conflict between many powers. The outcome of this conflict appears through a clear disparity in land use. Therefore, this research paper is a serious step toward understanding the dynamics of change in riverfront land use (spatially and temporally) and their correlation with the population sizes of their settlements. The population size was used as an indication of the temporal development of riverfront settlements. To develop this framework, this study conducts a critical review of the literature related to the processes of changing the uses of riverfront land and then uses a quantitative method and statistical analysis after monitoring all the Nile River settlements and the use of their Nile fronts and classifying them according to population sizes to determine the correlations between these uses and the sizes of the population of their settlements to assist decision-makers and planners in proposing practical methods when conducting development processes in Nile fronts.