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Advanced Engineering Science

Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-28-04-2022-171

Abstract : The development of mobile applications has increased exponentially thanks to the need for daily connectivity with technology, and the progress in the design of technological devices capable of helping the development of daily activities of the human being. Therefore, the development process of this type of applications has been immersed in changes that facilitate development, optimize processes and improve results, making room for new methodologies aimed at mobile development. The objective of this research is to evaluate the MMS mobile development methodology, by comparing processes, needs and characteristics of the development methodologies and trends used for the development of mobile applications. The execution of the study and analysis of the characteristics of mobile applications is based on bibliographic and analytical research of research carried out and published by the authors. Based on the key points obtained as results, a comparison is made between the proposed MMS methodology and other methodologies focused on the development of mobile applications. The "MMS" methodology covers during most of the phases the needs immersed in the mobile application development processes, the main characteristic being the agile approach during the activities in each of its phases. With the result of the comparison of each of the methodologies, it is verified that the proposed MMS methodology meets the parameters required in an ideal way for the development of quality mobile applications, being adaptable to any environment, type and size of draft..
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Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-25-04-2022-170

Abstract : The documentary review of articles on digital competence, at international and national level, evidences the interest and recognition of its importance in the teaching task taking into account the new social tasks in the framework of the tasks of the 4.0 revolution. The challenge for teachers today is to educate with strategies that articulate the inclusion of technological tools as a means to energize their practice and develop digital competencies taking into account the existing models. In this sense, this paper aims to contribute to the educational field, expanding the theoretical discussion of digital competencies in teachers..
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Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-25-04-2022-169

Abstract : This study determines the relationship between the aggregate GDP and the economic sectors of Ecuador in the period 2000-2018, through a time series analysis. The analysis is performed from two approaches: first, through a multiple linear regression model that allows determining the relationship between variables, and second, through an independent cointegration analysis for each set of variables. The dependent variable corresponds to GDP by the production approach and six independent variables that group the Gross Value Added. The results highlight manufacturing as the activity with the highest relationship with GVA, where by increasing manufacturing GVA by one percentage point, GDP will increase by 0.33 percentage points. Cointegration analysis is performed for each set of variables, and highlights trade as the only activity that shares a common trend with GDP..
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Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-23-04-2022-167

Abstract : Today, there is no doubt that the use of virtual platforms like Moodle have positioned themselves categorically in the daily routine of teaching learning, indeed, many courses (such as the object of the study conducted) have been applied 100% virtually within the curriculum, and after the classic resistance to change, it can be said that the acceptance of this platform is being achieved. The study is based on statistical indicators of homework submission and participation in discussions, as well as on surveys to the participating students about their perception of the Moodle Platform. The following research seeks to test the relationship between the use of the Moodle virtual platform and the performance of students in the Communication 2 course, highlighting collaborative learning, constructivism, and new proposals based on the implementation of ICT in educational processes. The objective of the research is to establish whether the use of the Moodle virtual platform is related to the academic performance of students in the Communication 2 course in the 2017-2 academic period at the Universidad Privada del Norte, Los Olivos campus. The population used was the students enrolled in 4 courses of Communication 2, which totaled 130 students and who took the same on a regular basis. The methodology used was that of a pure or basic research in a non-experimental cross-sectional design with a quantitative approach at a correlational level. It was concluded that students who actively participated in the discussions and made constant use of the Moodle platform, and also presented the tasks proposed in the modules achieved better performance in the Communication 2 course in the 2017-2 period at the Universidad Privada del Norte, Los Olivos campus..
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Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science
Journal ID : AES-23-04-2022-166

Abstract : This paper contains a study related to the risk and ergonomic conditions in nurses and caregivers, who are involved in care and mobilization of patients in senior centers. The results were obtained trought: mixed approach methodology and descriptive scope. Pragmatic techniques and data collection instruments were utilized too, including documentary analysis of work procedures, direct observation, photographic records, and cards adapted to senior centers of the Assistance mobilization of hospitalized patients methodology (MAPO). Among the findings, the critical activities and tasks in the care and mobilization of dependent or non-cooperative patients (NC) and semi-dependent or partially cooperative (PC) have been identified. In addition, other determinations have been made, including: lifting factors, minor aids, wheelchairs, environment and training in the facilities or wards of the senior center, and the calculation of ergonomic risk level, both for nursing staff and caregivers. In sum, this article provides the scientific community with a detailed risk panorama of a population and a work environment that has seen little attention in the literature, allowing the design and development of improvement strategies or the validation of existing ones..
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